组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

I finished middle school in the 1970s. I still remember the teen years were the 1 time of my life. At that time, as a girl, I hated it when my parents asked me 2 about my problems that made me uncomfortable. I also remember many times 3 Mr. Templat, my teacher, would take me aside and talk to me. He had a special way of finding out 4 the problem was. Every time he 5 with me, I felt better. He was a teacher I will never 6.

He had a way of making his classes 7. We always got the highest 8 in math in our grade with his teaching. If there was a big world ball game on the radio, we would 9 everything and he would put the game on, so we could all enjoy it.

Teens often learn things on TV or from adults about world 10 that can make 11 scared. Now it is terrorism. Back in my teen years it was the Cold War. It worried me so much that I 12 each day would be my last. Mr. Templat knew how much it troubled his 13. He opened the subject up to discussion. He gave us a way to express our 14 and helped us understand war and politics.

When I think back to those special days, I appreciate that he helped me go 15 such a difficult time in my life.
