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After growing up in the foster (寄养) care system, Shanté Elliott is working to help others transition(过渡,转变) out of it. Elliott is no stranger to the foster care system. She was forced to change schools and adapt to different homes over and over again before finally being adopted at the age of 13. Elliott became the first member of her family to graduate college, double majoring in literature and communication and earning a master's in education policy. Today she is pursuing her doctoral degree.

Elliott knows the challenges facing teenagers within the foster care system. "Often, teenagers are not viewed as children but as adults," she recently told Reader's Digest. "Think about it—most families looking to adopt want to adopt an infant or a young child, so they can experience developmental milestones with the child."

There are ways to help foster children without becoming a foster parent, but finding permanency is still what most foster youth need most. And for those who age out of the system without finding those forever homes, there are additional challenges to face. According to Youth.gov, these kids are at greater risk of homelessness, health problems, dropping out of school and legal issues, all of which can make succeeding in adulthood more difficult.

Elliott wants to see that stigma end. "We need to change the national dialogue around this in a way that highlights the needs of older children. All foster-involved children want consistent homes. Potential families need to realize this."

It's a reality Elliott is passionate about helping others realize. "The need for protection, love, opportunity, and safety has no age limit. If more teenagers were adopted, youth would have more successful long-term outcomes after foster care." That's something these older foster kids who found their forever homes can prove.
