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On Feb. 24th, Su Yiming was very happy! The 18-year-old snowboarder (滑雪板选手) received a special letter from President Xi Jinping.

In the letter, President Xi congratulated (祝贺) Su and the other athletes (运动员) at the Beijing Winter Olympics. "We are living in a time for young people to realize (实现) their dreams." Xi said in the letter. He hopes that young Chinese people always keep the motherland in their hearts, aim high (志存高远), and stay grounded.


After winning his gold medal, Su understood that he should thank his strong motherland. "I want to write a letter to President Xi," Su told People's Daily. "I really want to thank him from the bottom of my heart."

In 2019, Xi met with athletes and coaches in Beijing. Su was one of the athletes. Xi told them to aim high. Su was excited by Xi's words. "I decided to believe in myself and I must give it all to make my dream come true." Su said.

How did it feel to receive a letter from Xi? "I couldn't believe it at first," Su told People's Daily. "This has encouraged me to work even harder in the future."
