组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

John likes to do sports very much. His favorite sport is mountain(climb). Last spring, he made a big(decide) to climb Qomolangma. He knew it was difficult to climb the world's(high) mountain. And there were lots of risks in front of him, but he still wanted to do so,that was his dream.

May 5th was the most exciting day for John.a break in the tent, he and his guide started their journey to the top of the mountain. Everything seemed wellfirst. There was no wind or snow. Butthey were close to the top, things were completely different. The wind became strong and cold. He felt like that many(knife) were cutting his body. He felt sick and coughed a lot. The guide told John that they should turn back. He took the guide's(advise), but on the way back he passed out. When John woke up, he found he was(lie) in a hospital.
