组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

My family has always been poor, but we love our pets more than everything else. In December, things got even1for our family. In the end, we lost our2and we only had our two German dogs.

It was a cold winter, but3we found a place where our two beautiful dogs could live with us.4, after living there for one week, all of our money was gone and our dog food was5.

We tried to6someone to help. But nobody would give a7. I began to have bad dreams at night. I was scared that our dogs would8without food. I called one last place in town—a small pet supply (用品) store.

There, a young girl answered the phone. I told9about what we were going through.

To my10, this sweet girl told me that she would buy the dog food11us. She didn't even ask us to pay back the money. She12, "I just feel so bad for your dogs and I know how you feel. I just think I have to do13for you. "

Hearing this, I started crying. My14went away. I knew that our dogs would have food, all because of this young girl. She didn't know me, but she still would like to help my dogs.

This young girl,15I don't even know her name, will always be a warm﹣hearted princess to me. She is a warm﹣hearted princess to my dogs as well.
