组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

"Hi! How are you? "The woman smiled as she sat next to me on the airplane. She had to lower herself slowly, trying hard to push her fat body into the seat and fill all the space, leaving no for me.

I felt uncomfortable and moved a little towards the window. She gave her greeting in a friendly voice again.

"Hi, "I replied.

"My name is Laura. I'm from Britain. How about you? "She smiled at me all the time.

"Malaysia." I said coldly.

Laura started a conversation with me. Although her voice was warm and caring, I still replied with unfriendly reactions. But when we were served drinks and meals, she tried hard to make sure that I had room to move in my seat. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable with my' elephant size'!" She said with greatsincerity.

I looked at her surprisingly. I never thought she would face the problem and tell me her real thoughts. The face that I disliked before showed a nice smile—lively and calm at the same time. With her words and actions, I couldn't help but feel good with her.

Laura was interesting. During our conversation, Laura made every person on the plane who served us walk away laughing at her jokes. I asked Laura, "Have you ever thought about losing weight? You aren't worried about the illnesses that come with being overweight? "

"Not at all, because I eat healthily and do sports, "she said." This may not be scientific, but I believe in my heart that the people who get illness are the ones who worry all the time. I'm this size because I was born to be big! There is more to life than worrying about weight all day long. "

She drank her wine, "Besides, I get so much happiness every day that I need a bigger body to hold all of it! If I lose weight, I'll lose my happiness. "

Surprised by her unusual reasons, I smiled. I suddenly realized that Laura was the most beautiful woman I had ever met in my life.
