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Many people in America like comics. Some of the most popular comics are about superheroes. These American superheroes are drawn to look l strong men or strong women. Wearing special clothes, they fight a the bad and save the weak.

There are two main companies in the US that p superhero comics. DC Comics designed superheroes like Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman in the late 1930s and 1940s. During this "Golden Age of Comics", millions of comics were sold every month. This lasted until 1945. After that time, superhero comics became less and less p. In the 1950s, American comics entered their "Dark Age". Many comic companies could not make m and closed down.

In the early 1960s, the "Silver Age of Comics" began. Another company called Marvel Comics, started to b popular. It produced many characters which were known to people all over the w. These included X-Men and Spider-Man. In these comics the superheroes have the s problems as common people. Spider-Man, for example, is u to save money and has problems with his friends and family.

Comics can make students interested in reading. They may help young people d their imagination. Now many American comics have been made into popular movies.
