组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

May 27                  Saturday

I got up very (早) this morning. After a quick breakfast, I went to the zoo with my classmates, We went there by (公共汽车)

There are many kinds of animals there. We liked monkeys best. We fed them with some (香蕉).We stayed there for about an hour. Then we went to Qingshao Lake. We saw many people (放、飞) kites in different colors near the lake, Wehad no kites, so we went boating (代  替).The water in the lake is very clean.

It was nearly 12 o' clock. We began to (喝) apple juice and eat some sandwiches for (午餐). After that, some of us went fishing,  and  some of us (爬) the hill. We went back home at about.(五)o'clock.

What a happy day we had today I enjoyed (玩得开心) a lot!
