组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

How many tigers have tried to attack you to death today?(hope) the stressors in your life don't involve a wild animal chasing you through the bush, as was often  case for our cavemen ancestors. Still, we are wired for stress physiologically much the same way we were thousands of years ago.

not all stress is bad, we need a break from bad stressors. Otherwise, our health may begin to  (worse). The link between stress and heart disease isn't (total) clear but being under long­time stress can affect blood pressure and heart rate, can lead to heart issues. It can also cause many people to "manage" their stress with (healthy) behaviors like drinking and smoking, which can affect heart health.

Young adults and middle-aged people who experience stress on a regular basis may experience memory loss before (them) turn 50. A study published in the journal Neurology shows people who are under stress have their brain (shrink) for years before symptoms start to show.

So it's important for people to find ways (reduce) stress, such as getting enough sleep, engaging in moderate exercise, or asking your doctor for advice.
