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The chime-bells of Marquis Yi of the Zeng State(曾侯乙编钟) isunique Chinese ancient instrument. People, near and far, who come to Hubei Museum, can't wait(admire) it with their own eyes.

This ancient Chinese(music) instrument is made up of 65 bronze bells of different sizes, are hung at three levels and divided into 8 groups. All of the bells(decorate) with some delicate sculptures(雕刻). When facing the chime-bells, you will find them(stand) there silently like rows of warriors, but elegantly like ancient women.

The instrument was usually played for important(festival) or great ceremonies, sacrifice, feasts or harvests in ancient times. It was very popular, (particular) during the Warring States Period. The music of High Mountains and Running Water played by the chime-bells (be) amazing. It highly represents the wisdomChinese people.
