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In the Spring and Autumn period (771—476 BC), there was a beautiful girl in the State of Yue. Her name was Xi Shi. Xi Shi was the most beautiful girl in her village. There was an ugly girl called Dong Shi and she lived in the village, too.

Xi Shi was such a beautiful girl that many girls tried toimitateher. Some girls wore the same clothes as Xi Shi did. Some girls had the same hairstyle as Xi Shi did. Dong Shi was one of the girls.

One day, Xi Shi walked on the street. She didn't feel well on the way. She had a pain in her chest. Then she put her hand on her chest, knitted her brows (眉头) and walked slowly.

Dong Shi met Xi Shi on the street. She thought Xi Shi's actions made her look more beautiful. Then she imitated Xi Shi's actions. She thought it could make her look as beautiful as Xi Shi. But she was wrong. In fact, her actions made her uglier. People laughed at Dong Shi when they saw her.
