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The Chinese New Year is 1 holiday for the Chinese people. The New Year comes 2 the first day of the First lunar month, 3 January 21 and February 19. People get ready 4 the holiday for about fifteen days.

5 , at midnight it is the first day of the First lunar month. People close the shops and the streets are empty. Everyone 6 at home.

It is an important time for the family. The younger people bow 7 the older people. Chinese call this "Ke Tou". This means 8 the ground with the forehead". Then the younger people wish the older people a happy New Year. The older people give children money in red envelopes. The family then 9

 In the morning, people 10 their new clothes. Some people stay at home, others go out to pay a New Year call. They are very polite and do not use bad words. It's the most important day of a year.
