组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

It was a beautiful day with a clear, blue sky and the cool wind made my morning tea cool. Everything was quiet and the book in my hands was lovely until I felt my chair moving. At that moment, I thought to myself, "It is an earthquake (地震). " I was scared as I ran to tell my parents. But when I reached them, the earthquake stopped.

________ My family and I were not in danger and our house was still standing. We watched the news about the earthquake. The epicenter (震中) was very close to Muzaffarabad. We felt lucky to be in the city of Kashmir. After we watched the situation in Muzaffarabad, I decided to volunteer to help those people right away.

I arrived in the city of Muzaffarabad with a few other volunteers. We tried to help out the people there. After hours of digging, we found a few survivors. We quickly sent for doctors to make sure they were all right. When they met their families, they cried for joy. That made me very happy. However, not everyone had a happy ending. We also found bodies of those not making it through the earthquake. And I felt terrible when I saw the tears of the people crying for those dead people.
