组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

It was my first year working in a school for kids with special needs. I had no idea what I would see at the coming School Olympics because my 1 had many troubles, from learning difficulties to physical disabilities (残疾).

Mark was one of the latter and he had to get around 2a wheelchair. But he never thought it was a problem and wore a big 3 all the time.

His classmates loved him, especially Mike, Andy and Lucas. The three boys were all good at 4 , I knew Mark wanted to be like them.

When the day came, Mike, Andy and Lucas 5 well, giving the crowd a lot to cheer about. Mark sat by the sideline, shouting and laughing 6 .

The final game of the day was the 400-meter race. Everybody was asked to 7 it, either walk or run. We watched as they took off. Each of them was trying hard to be the 8 runner.

When Mike, Andy and Lucas reached the finish line, they 9 and turned to look behind them, At the 10 of the crowd was Mark. All the classmates had passed him. He was 11 on the track (跑道) with over 200 meters to cover.

Mike, Andy and Lucas 12 each other. Slowly, they ran back towards their friend, cheering him on as 13 had done for them moments before.

The four friends crossed the finish line together to the 14 cries of their teachers and classmates. Seeing the happy look on Mark's face, I came to understand 15 the meaning of sports was.

It's been years, and I'm still cheering them on.
