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To my surprise, I learned something new from my little sister yesterday, who(absorb) in exploring the history of commas.

In the third century BC, the full stop(句号) or period was introduced by Greek literary critic Aristophanes of Byzantium. It is used (present) the end of a sentence. However, the full stop has a different meaning to teenagers and those in their early 20s, interpret it as a sign of anger. And there is a reason for that.

The younger generation has grown up using the texts as their primary means of communication. When (send) messages, they tend to break up their thoughts by sending each one as a separate message, instead of using a full stop. They feel the full stop once used in traditional texting (repeat) is not essential at all because the message is now ended just by sending it.

David Crystal, a leading language (special), argues that the usage of full stops is being revised in a really fundamental way. In his book, he says that the full stop has become an emotion marker that (remind) the receiver that the sender is angry or (annoy).

the full stop has taken on a different meaning to the younger generation, experts note that it is important to take language environment account. For example, to use full stops in an email appropriately is perfectly acceptable and is not considered rude.
