组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

After ten years in the same company, I found my job was no longer fun. However, I didn't have the confidence to apply for new jobs due to lack of experience. I felt1

A friend suggested another path—2. I had toyed with the idea of studying for a master's degree but3stood in my way. Yet I found a course at London College of Communication,4my job and enrolled (入学).

During the 18 months that followed, I began to flourish (苗壮成长). Not only had I found the courage to take my5forward in a new, exciting direction, but the self-doubt that had followed me around like a6began to disappear gradually. My classmates and I treated each other as7: younger students8my experience and knowledge when it came to group work. I made new friends and joined committee.

I also decided to move out of home. Living in student halls was a(n)9. The halls life added to my sense of10and, with it, confidence. I was11 new things every day. Even making myself a meal or12my small living space felt rewarding.

Soon after completing my master's, I made my way back through the university gates—this time to13. I am now a lecturer on the same course that I took. I14the person I was before and smile—she didn't yet know her15.
