组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
下面是网站Teenagers Ask Center 上的节选。请你将选项(A-F)的问题与对应的建议相匹配。选项中有一项为多余选项。

If you want to feel closer to others, communication is the way. Try to talk to your parents and advise them to find a balance between you and your brother.

Don't you think it is a good thing because you can get much help from your friends? The most important point is that you're trying to do better than you did before.

What other people think doesn't really matter. You can try to use your height to your advantage--maybe someday you could become a basketball player or a model.

If your grandma asks you about the dress she bought, just tell a white lie. It doesn't matter whether you like the dress or not. It is the love behind it that matters.

 It's not nice of her to do that. You can go to your mom and calmly explain to her that what she did makes you feel bad. Hopefully, she will understand and stop doing so.

A. My mother read my diaries secretly.

B. My friends study much better than me.

C. My classmates laughed about my height.

D. My head teacher canceled the music class.

E. My grandma bought me an old-fashioned dress.

F. My parents pay more attention to my little brother.
