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Brandy was an old dog. When her owner died, the dog was very 1 so she stayed near the house to wait for her owner to return again. The next-door people thought she was a friendly but poor dog. Then some of them left 2 out for Brandy. Although they thought the dog was friendly, they didn't care much about Brandy.

One day, Brandy walked into the neighbor's garden and began playing with 3-year-old Adam. The young mother didn't 3 the dirty dog at first. However, she saw her son having 4 playing with her, so she decided to let Brandy stay. The boy's mother left Adam in the garden to play while she answered the phone. After a while, 5 the mother returned, Adam was not in the garden. She was afraid and called the police. They 6 Adam for five hours but were not successful.

Then someone said he had heard barking (狗叫) coming from the forest, so they all ran to the forest. Adam was asleep on the ground, 7 a tree. Brandy was looking after Adam there while one of her own legs was hurt in a deep hole. Brandy followed Adam when he walked away and she kept him safe for all those 8.

Adam's mother thanked the 9 very much so she wanted to set up a pet saving center in New York. She couldn't save every animal, but she knew that if she had pushed that old dog away, it was probably 10 for her to lose her only son this time. She just only tried to save as many poor pet animals as she could.
