组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. Keep busy

B. Write to your friends

C Try talking with others

D Tell your parents you are happy

E. Write to or call your parents often

F. Make some new friends on vacation

Have a Great Vacation Without Parents

When you're on a vacation alone, it's easy to get homesick and want to go home. However, there are some steps for you to have a surprising vacation alone.

If you are too free, you may not feel happy. So finding something to do is so fun. It makes you sad if you miss your parents too much.

Hearing your parents' voices or getting a letter from them can make you keep happy. If you can send an email, that works, too.

Sometimes you can meet the most interesting people when away from home. You could meet a best friend or a new pen pal!

Talk to someone if you feel very sad. Your parents want you to be happy, your friends, too. No one wants you to be sad. Talking to someone can help make you feel better.

When you arrive home, don't tell your parents how much you hate your vacation alone. Talk about the good points of your trip. Tell them that you are happy about the vacation.
