组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Derek Rabelo was born in Brazil in 1992. His father called him Derek after a famous 1star, Derek Ho. Derek's father wanted Derek to become a surfer, too, but there was a 2: unluckily, Derek was born 3 . His father's dream to see his son surf seemed4!

When Derek was 17, his father told him about his5 . From that moment, Derek tried his best to become a surfer. 6 went to the beach every day and started taking surfing 7with a coach(教练). Derek kept trying and 8, he learned to surf!

Derek explains that 9 he can't see, he understands the noises that the waves(海浪)make and he can 10 them when they are coming. He says every part of a wave makes a different noise, 11 he knows which direction to surf in.

In 2012, he flew to Hawaii to surf one of the most challenging and dangerous 12_ in the world. Local surfers were very 13 to see the confident young man surf the huge wave with no problem 14

A film producer decided to make a film about him. Beyond Sight tells Derek's inspirational(鼓舞人心的) story and teaches us that nothing is impossible if you 15yourself !
