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There are many different festivals around the world. Usually we know about some traditional ones. But here are some special festivals in the world. Have you heard of them?

The Straw(稻草)Bear Festival

It is a traditional celebration in one small UK town. It runs for three days every year in January. The festival celebrates the beginning of the agricultural(耕种的)year. People there enjoy watching bears dance. A few men wear straw bear costumes and dance for others.

The Cologne Carnival(狂欢节)

It is one of Europe's biggest street festivals. It starts at l1:1l am on November 11 and lasts till February 14 next year. Local people call the time the "crazy" season. During the festival, people put on colorful clothes and play music to celebrate it in the street. The festival has a history of 194 years. Each year, about 1. 5 million people take part in it.

Day of the Dead

It is celebrated in Mexico every year between October 31 and November 2. It's not a scary day like its name, instead, it's a colorful holiday. People believe the spirits of their ancestors(祖先)will return to the world of the living on that day. They share food and drinks to keep the spirits alive and the spirits can be with them in this way.


The title: The special in the world

The Straw Bear Festival

The festival is celebrated in a small UK town and runs for 3 days every year.

During the festival, a few men wear costumes as straw bears and dance for others.

The Cologne Carnival

It is one of the biggest street festivals and lasts for about months.

The festival has a history for 194 years.

Day of the Dead

It's not a scary day but a colorful holiday.

People in Mexico believe the of their ancestors can be with them on that day.

⑵What other festival can make you excited?(不多于10个词)
