组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

You might be surprised at the number of rather unusual sports that exist(存在) around the world. Mostly, they are little known outside the areas where they were invented(发明). Here are some examples:

Sandboarding: Sandboarding starts at the top of a slope (斜坡) and uses a board to get you to the bottom. It takes place on sand dunes (沙丘) by sunny beaches or in the desert. It's popular in many countries, including Australia, Namibia and South Africa.

Extreme ironing (极限熨烫): Extreme ironing is all about taking an ironing board to a place, where you then start to iron your clothes! The places might be on a mountainside, in a forest, on a ski slope (while skiing) , underwater, and under the ice on a frozen lake!

Wife-carrying: This sport was inspired by an ancient western tradition in which a man showed his love to a woman by running to her village, picking her up and carrying her away. In the modern sporting competition, the man has to carry the woman along a way with several challenges without her feet touching the floor.
