组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Danny had a special friend. His name is Jack and he is a dinosaur. Last weekend, the weather is sunny. Danny took Jack to1with his classmates.

"Let's2a race, " said Danny. Jack had big feet, so he could run very fast." You win!" Danny3.

After lunch, all the students went to4around the lake. Danny felt5 and climbed onto Jack's back." Wait for us! We are tired, too!" shouted the other children. "OK, climb6!" said Jack. How kind Jack is!

It got dark and it was kind of cold. The children made a7to keep warm. Then they got ready for8. But Jack's bed was too9for him, so he took a pillow(枕头) and went outside.

"10me up for breakfast," said Jack, and he went to sleep on the ground. " All right! Good night, " Danny said.
