组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

While many parents worry their children spend too much time playing computer games, Kelcey Sihanourath is pleased to see her son pick up his notebook computer.

A new study finds that the number of children in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD (多动症) is rising. It is not only seen in America. It is one of the most common in children.

Owain, now aged 13, was diagnosed  (诊断) with ADHD in pre—school. Kelcey took him to hospitals and it seemed that drugs did not work well. Then help came in but it seemed very unsuitable at this age—a computer game called Endeavor Rx.

Kelcey says she was "a little distrustful" at first but soon she started to see small, positive changes in his behavior after a period of time. And now, after failing fifth grade9 Owain started getting "A"s and "B"s for his work.

In 2020 it became the first such game to be allowed by the U. S. government for use in the treatment of ADHD in children. And someone plans to launch (将……投放市场) the game in Europe in the next few years.
