组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

My car needed some mechanical work that I could not do myself. Since the garage I had been taking my car to had 1, my friend Dave gave me a recommendation: D's Auto Repair.

I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the owner of D's was a mechanic who had worked on my car several years earlier. 2 he was an employee at a gas station near my house. I knew that his work was good.

I 3 the paperwork for the repair and 4 while D took a phone call from another customer. As I sat there, I looked around the small office to keep myself 5. A framed newspaper article caught my attention. The headline read: "Local Dairy Farmer Kills Whole Herd. " The article was about the 6 of a fifth-generation dairy farmer during the polluted milk scare in Michigan several years earlier. Dairy cows were becoming 7 a disease that was affecting the milk supply. The fifth-generation dairy farmer paid to have all of his cows 8. It was found that out of the entire herd, only a few were infected. Because no one could 9 that the other cows were totally 10, he had the herd killed and buried to make consumers feel rest assured (放心). The farmer's insurance did not cover his 11 because the state had not issued an order for him to get rid of the herd. Asked why he did it, the farmer replied "Because it was the right thing to do."

I asked D why he 12 the article on the wall. I thought that he might be related to or somehow knew the farmer. He said he had never met the man, but that the farmer was a (n) 13 to him and set a standard for integrity, trust and honesty. He said that is how he 14 his Auto Repair business.

I was now doubly 15 by both the farmer and D. The next year, on my recommendation, my son started a nine-month mechanics apprenticeship (学徒) at D's Auto Repair.
