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On August 8, 2021, the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its first assessment of climate science since 2013. The news was not good. The report stated that this past decade was the hottest in 125.000 years and that the atmospheric carbon levels are the highest in at least 2 million years. Glaciers are melting faster than any time in over 2.000 years, and ocean levels are rising at twice the rate since 2006.

At the current pace, the researchers expect global temperatures to rise by at least 1.5°, compared to pre-industrial levels, within the next 20 years. The temperature increases will result in significant changes to the planet's water cycle. Areas that currently receive a lot of rain will get significantly more, while dry regions will become increasingly likely to droughts.

The IPCC's findings come as no surprise to the millions of people worldwide currently feeling the impacts of climate-related disasters. America and many European countries are battling wildfires. Meanwhile, an unprecedented (史无前例的) week-long storm in July 2021 caused flash floods and mudslides in Western Europe. Climate change is even impacting the Earth's coldest and most remote regions which experienced the first rainfall event in recorded history

The situation may sound hopeless. However, many experts believe it is still not too late to turn things around, if we all act now. While governments need to do their share by introducing and obey stricter carbon emission laws, individuals can also help. Driving less, conserving water, and reducing electricity usage are some great ways to start. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle will help conserve natural resources and energy. It will also save you and your community. Be sure to start doing your part to save our beautiful home today!
