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You pick up your pore and look at it and the screen unlocks(解锁)right away The phone knows who you are. I recognizes the shape of your face. This kind of face recognition technology is called Face ID Nothing has been more simple, natural and effortless

Actually, y your face isn't the only part of your body you can use as a password密码) Many smartphones already accept fingerprints. Other systems check the shape of the ear, patterns in the eye, or the way a person walks. All of these are special enough to say who you are. People like using body parts as the password because it's easy and convenient. Besides it's also usually very safe. It's hard to make another person's body parts, isn't it? However,itis not impossible. The face may be one of the easiest body parts to copy. Most teenagers put plenty of their own photos online. These could help some bad people easily hack into a system of their phone like Face ID.

There is one more thing that worries experts. It would be easy for someone else to bold your phone in front of your face to unlock it. For example, your brother may unlock your phone against your will and see something you don't want to show him. Some people don't worry about that. It's just so coo to be able to unlock a phone with a quick look.

What do you think? Is facial recognition a good thing, or are you worried about its safety?
