组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

For the last three nights, I haven't slept too well.I wake up an hour earlier than normal and then I'm unable to get back to sleep. I was a bit tired when I went into my bedroom to watch TV this evening. I picked up a book and tried to read, but could feel my eyelids gating heavier and heavier. Finally, I closed them and laid my book on the table. Suddenly I felt something rousing (唤醒) me. It was warm breath hitting me right in the face. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a long, sweet-looking face covered in white and gold fur. Its pink nose was breathing on me and its big, brown eyes were looking at me with love.

I smiled and said, "Hello Fluffy." Suddenly my face was covered in dog kisses I hugged his neck, and laughed as he continued to shower me with his love. I thought to myself:"If only we humans could love each other 3s purely(纯真地) as our dogs love us, and how wonderful that would be. "

Dogs are our best friends and greatest teachers of love.We should not forget their lessons. We should give our hearts freely and our love joyfully. We should live our lives on the side of love.
