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The world is mourning (哀悼) the death of British Queen Elizabeth II. She died aged 96 on Sept 8. She is Britain's longest-serving monarch (在位时间最长的君主).

Elizabeth became queen in 1952. At that time, the UK was still rebuilding from World War II. She spent her life working for her country and the Commonwealth (英联邦). Fifteen British prime ministers (首相) worked with her!

The queen was admired (受到爱戴的) around the world. She helped over 600 charities (慈善机构), according to Sky News. And she got along well with people. In the UK, every Christmas day, people would turn on their TVs to listen to the queen's Christmas speech.

Her death left the world in sadness (悲伤). The UK has 10 days of national mourning. Leaders (领导人) from different countries also sent sincere (真诚的) messages.

Charles, the queen's son, is now the king. He called her death "a moment of the greatest sadness for me and all members of my family". "I know her loss (去世) will be deeply felt throughout the country ... and by countless (无数的) people around the world," he said in a statement.
