组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库

Hello, I'm Daisy. During the summer holiday, I went to a beach town with my mum. We stayed there for one day and night.

In the morning, l collected shells on the beach. I found a very big one. It looked like a hat. The weather was sunny and hot, but I didn't swim, because I wasn't good at it. There was a Chinese white dolphin in the water. I didn't see it, but the lifeguard did!

In the afternoon, my mother took me to the museum near the beach, but it didn't open, so we didn't go in. We went to the shopping centre and bought some gifts for my dad. I also sent some postcards to my e-friends in other countries.

At night, my mother and I walked on the beach and looked at the stars. They were beautiful!
