组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库

I have a little pet dog. It's small and white. Its name is Ding Dang. Ding Dang is cute. When it is four months old, it bites the sofa. I am very angry. What should I do? I take a deep breath and count to ten. When it is one year old, it eats much meat and gets fat. It can't jump and run fast. I am afraid. It should do more exercise. On Mid-Autumn Festival, Ding Dang is 14 months old. It eats so much food and feels ill. I am very worried. I think it should see a vet (兽医). When it is one and a half years old, it's winter. It's very cold, I think it should wear warm clothes. It's funny. We are so happy.

Age (年龄)

Reasons (原因)

How do I feel?

What should it do?

4 months old


Can't do it next time
