组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

How to Better Yourself

You're a wonderful person just as you are, but everyone wants to be better. This is good! Bettering yourself improves your quality of life and gives you something to work towards. However, sometimes you need some help or inspiration. Don't worry: we've got your back!

Bring creativity into your life. Being more creative and the act of creating things can be a positive experience in your life. You can draw pictures, make sculptures, write, dance, sing, sew your own clothes or find other creative choices. No matter what it is that encourages your creativity, you only get better with practice.

Travel to gain experience. If you can only travel within your country, that's okay, just make sure you're experiencing a very different kind of life rather than the one you're used to. Travel abroad if you can, especially in a place where you don't speak the language.

Educate yourself. Another great way to better yourself is to get more education. There has been a revolution of free learning resources on the Internet. You can pick up a skill, like computer programming or another language, or you can educate yourself on broader topics, like politics or education.

Helping other people will give you perspective, make you more respectful, increase your enjoyment of life, give you a sense of fulfillment, and obviously provide some good to the lives of people who really need it. You can volunteer for whatever cause speaks to you, volunteering locally, or even abroad. There are lots of options, such as homeless shelters, nursing homes and Habitat for Humanity.

A. Volunteer when you can.

B. Turn to others for assistance.

C. Now, this doesn't mean going back to school.

D. Here are some simple steps to improve yourself and your life.

E. You'll change a lot when experiencing different ways people live.

F. This can be hard to do sometimes, but it really can help inspire others.

G. This lets you contribute to the world while also changing how you look at things.
