组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

There was a poor woman. Her husband was dead, and she lived with her two daughters in a small house a long way from the nearest town. There were two rose(玫瑰)trees in her garden. One rose tree had white flowers. One of her daughters was as beautiful as a white rose. Her name was Snow-white. The other rose tree had red flowers. The other daughter had dark hair and was as beautiful as a red rose. Her name was Rose-red.

The two girls were very good. Snow-white was quieter than Rose-red. Rose-red liked running about in the fields(田地)and looking for flowers and birds. Snow-white liked staying at home and working in the house with her mother. The girls were good friends, and they were always together. Snow-white said, "We're always going to stay together." And Rose-red said, "We're never going to go away from each other."

In summer Rose-red put flowers at the side of her mother's bed very early in the morning. She always took a rose from each rose tree and put them together. In winter Snow-white made the fire each morning. At night Mother often read some storybooks and the children listened to her.
