组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Everybody wants to be happy. Here is the advice given by psychologists (心理学家) Michael Mercer and Maryann Troiani for you to achieve happiness.

Take big steps while walking. "A super-fast way to improve your mood (心情) is simply to take big steps, walk faster, and stand tall," Troiani says. "However, unhappy people usually take small steps and walk slowly." So, if you want to change your mood, just change your steps.

Try to be far away from those who will influence and discourage you. "Unhappy people allow those people around them to influence them and lead them to a state of discouragement," says Troiani."These include people who put you down and laugh at your wishes and thoughts." So stay away from them, and you will have your own happiness.

Burn your bridges. "To move forward, burn your bridges behind you so you don't go backward," suggests Mercer. "Give up people, habits and situations that keep you from living a wonderful life. Remember, happy people often have personal cheerleaders as their friends."

Act like a madman sometimes. According to Troiani, "Happy people are sometimes like a madman on their own tasks. They spend much time and energy doing what they may find fun. But unhappy people aren't sure why they should put their heart into it. So, find what makes you excited and spend your time going for it."

So, try these suggestions above by yourself, and you'll surely find that you will be happy, you can be happy and you are happy.
