组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A: Hey, Mike! Don't you remember me?

B: Oh, yes. You're Tony, aren't you?

A: That's right.

B: Yes. And I remember you used to be quiet, and have long hair.

A: Yeah. I wasn't outgoing. And I wasn't brave enough to communicate with others.

B:  And you always helped others with their basketball. I remember you really helped me a lot. Wait a minute!

A: No. I gave up playing basketball because I hurt my knee in an accident.

B: I'm sorry to hear that,  That's your dream.

A: Yes. But doctors said that I had to stop playing. When I heard that, I felt very sad.  So I get better grades than before.

B: That's a good habit.

A. But you used to be very friendly.

B. Now I show more interest in my study.

C. Are you still on the basketball team in university?

D. We used to be in the same school and on the basketball team.

E. But you used to say that you wanted to be a famous basketball player.
