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Nan Hauser has spent much of her life in the South Pacific Cook Islands. As a whale researcher, she has been1the international title of "Earth Ambassador. " While many of the locals had heard of this2, it was an encounter (偶遇) that would make her known worldwide.

One day in 2017, Nan dived into the ocean to shoot some videos with the whales, when the most3thing happened. As she swam alongside them, they began to display4signs that danger was near. Suddenly, she saw another whale make an5on her at full speed. Just as6hit, one of the whales used its fin (鳍) to push Nan onto its back and7of... not a whale but a tiger shark.

After the shark disappeared, the whale safely8Nan back to her boat. She climbed aboard and yelled her9to the whale. After a few minutes, the whale disappeared into the10, and Nan said goodbye, feeling grateful for this lifetime11.

Almost a year later, Nan received a call from a local fisherman saying that he12whales in the harbor. Could her whale friend have13? She jumped onto a boat quickly. Nan14recognized her friend by the two15marks on his tail, and dived into the water to swim with him.

After Nan's encounter, she16with how best she could thank the whale. After all, it's17to hug something much larger than you. So what's the most18way to thank a whale? It's by caring, learning more about them, and19their habitat. As for us, we can help in small ways. For example,20using the plastics will make a difference.
