组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

It was about two o'clock in the early morning. I 1 when the earthquake started. At first, I felt a slight shake. Then I 2 a loud noise like thunder.

Soon the real noise came, like bombs under the ground. The earth started to shake. People screamed in 3. Some ran out of the building. I tried my best to run out too, but I could not. Outside, people were running in all directions 4 pieces of glass and bricks were falling down. Then the walls began to 5 too!

Finally, the noise and shaking ended. It was dark and 6 around me. I could not see 7 at all, and I did not know 8 anyone else was near me. I felt nervous and my heart was beating fast. "I'm trapped ," I said to 9. A moment of fear went through my mind, but I told myself to calm down 10 I was still alive.

I shouted for help, but no one came. I started to 11 myself slowly through the dark. 12, there was just enough space for me to move.

Hours later, as I was trying to find my way 13, I suddenly heard some noise 14 me. I screamed, "Help! Please help! I'm here!" Then I heard shouts from 15 people. They quickly moved away the 20 bricks. At last, I saw the bright daylight. I was safe.
