组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Round The World

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer both had very busy jobs and didn't havemuch time to spend with their young children. They wanted to change this, and becausetheir hobby was boating, they decided to sail round the world together.

It took six years to prepare everything for the trip. First,they bought a new boat. Then, both the husband and the wife had to take advanced(先进的) sailing lessons andlearn all about the sea and the weather. Mr. Spencer also did several courses inrepairing engines and Mrs. Spencer spent an hour in a restaurant learning to cutup fish.

In October, they had one year off from their jobs and sailedaway from England with their two children. The next year, in August, their longjourney ended in Australia. The boat was not big, but they took a teacher for thechildren with them. None of them found the trip boring because there were threecomputers, many CDs, a TV and a DVD player on the boat.

The family loved being at the sea and seeing the stars in thesky. But, most of all, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer enjoyed spending time with their childrenwhile they were still young.
