组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

It is a sunny Saturday afternoon in New York City. My friend, a good father, Bobby is taking his two little boys to play golf. He walks up to the man at the ticket office (售票处) and says, "How much is it?"

The man answers, "Three dollars for you and if a child is younger than six, he will not pay. How old are your boys?"

Bobby answers, "My younger boy is three. The older boy is seven, so I will pay you six dollars. "

The man in the ticket office says, "Hey, sir, did you just win the lottery (中彩票) or something? You can tell me the older one is five. You can save (节约) three dollars. I can't know it. You needn't be so honest (诚实的)."

Bobby answers," Yes, that's true. But my children will know it."
