组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Several large companies have begun creating paper bottles to replace glass and plastic ones.

A company called Paboco has been working with many large companies to develop paper bottles. These companies are creating their own bottle designs.

Clearly, one of the biggest challenges is keeping a paper bottle from leaking (渗漏). The inside of the bottle needs a special liner (衬层) to make sure the liquid doesn't leak through. Many companies are lining their bottles with thin plastic.

Though bottle makers may say this liner can be removed and recycled, many recycling programs don't have the right machines to deal with these liners.

A Danish beer company called Carlsberg is working with Paboco on a paper bottle called the "Green Fiber Bottle". Now the bottle uses a plastic liner. In the future the company hopes to use a "bio-plastic (生物塑料)" that will break down naturally over time.

But even without the plastic, paper bottles aren't perfect. Most paper bottles use wood pulp (木浆). That could lead to the loss of forests.

Frugalpac, a company from the United Kingdom, has created bottles made of recycled paper, so no trees need to be cut down. Frugalpac still uses plastic liners, though.

But with so many companies working towards the same goal, we will see more paper bottles on store shelves in the near future.
