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The folk art form, kuaiban, which has a long history, can be performed by a group or a single person. With one or two pairs of bamboo clappers—a kind of traditional Chinese musical instrument in their hands, the performers tell stories in the local dialect(方言). These stories are usually folk tales or about social life.

Recently, Liu Jiming and Wan Yifu made and shared three short videos by using kuaiban which were viewed about 4 million times. As a result, Liu and Wan have gained more than 1million followers on the Internet. They've created many new works to raise people's awareness. Some of their works are about the danger of drunken driving and food safety. They also write stories to show respect to people who make contributions, such as traffic policemen.

According to Liu and Wan, people can understand kuaiban pieces without difficulty. The stories told in kuaiban pieces are close to people's daily lives. Thus, they consider that it is a fun way to introduce the Chinese folk culture through kuaiban. And what matters to them is that both young people and old people begin to know the charm of the art form, kuaiban, which may not be paid much attention to, compared to other traditional art forms.

Folk art forms, like xiangsheng, pingshu and kuaiban, share something in common. These traditional art forms show the beauty and value of traditional Chinese culture so they should be known by more people and get to more areas. Luckily, through the Internet, new performers who go on sharing kuaiban pieces, like Liu and Wan are playing an active role. Hopefully these Chinese folk art forms will be alive with the times.

Chinese folk art forms never

The introduction to kuaiban

·It has a long history and is performed by a group or a single person.

·It is performed in the local dialect by using a special musical instrument made of bamboo. 

·The content is about folk tales or what's happening in.

The stories of Liu and Wan with kuanban

·More than 1 million viewers were attracted by Liu and Wan's kuaiban videos.

·They believe that kuaiban pieces can beunderstood.

·They use kuaiban pieces to attract people's attention to Chinese folk culture.

Reasons for the wideof the Chinese folk art

·The beauty and value of traditional Chinese culture will be learned through Chinese folk art forms.

·The new performerssharing kuaiban pieces actively.
