组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

It was Mother's Day, a sunny day. But Cindy was a little unhappy. She was sure that her mother 1 feel lonely because she was 500 miles away from her mother. In the early morning, she called her mom. They talked about the beautiful 2 in the garden. The flowers brought her back to the sweet memories of her childhood.

Later that day, when she told her 3 about the flowers, he said. "I know where we can find all that you want. Get our children and come on." Driving down the country roads, they saw a hill not far away from them. As they get 4, they saw lots of flowers with all colors in the sun, just like shining stars in the sky at night. Cindy couldn't wait to 5 the flowers. She got out of the car and ran quickly to them. She picked a few here and a few there. She became happier when they 6 their home.

On their way home, Cindy saw an old grandma sitting in a chair 7 in a village. There were no children around her. She looked so sad. Cindy stopped the car and walked to her, put the flowers in her hands, and 8 her. The old woman thanked Cindy again and again. She smiled happily, too.

When Cindy came back, her children asked, "Who's that grandma? 9 did you give the flowers to her?" "I don't know her." Their mother said with a smile, "It's Mother's Day, but she has no children with her. I have all of you around me and I still have 10 mother. Just think how much those flowers mean to her."
