组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
完成表格 ,阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成表格中所缺的信息,每空一词。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Connecting with Nature

How do you feel when you hear birds singing freely in the trees? What's your feeling when you see butterflies dancing slowly and lightly in the wind? Whether you love researching the outdoors or watching far away, getting close to nature can take your mind off your worries and make you feel relaxed.

What is nature?

Nature means the world around us that is not man-made, including birds, mountains, trees, the sea and the stars. It's also a force that controls things like weather. We can find nature wherever we are and wherever we go —beaches, gardens, parks, rivers, and even unexpected places like cracks (裂缝) in the stones.

Why does nature make us feel good?

Spending time in nature brings peace, joy and wonder to our lives. It takes us outdoors, gets us active and lets us care more about the environment. Even a little gift of nature can make us feel free and hopeful, such as breathing in fresh air, listening to the wind in the trees or standing at a mountain. Ralphie, who is 10, likes being close to nature on a bike with his family. He says, "It makes us feel happy and takes our mind off things because we have to pay attention. We are away from traffic and we hear more birdsong and see more wild animals."

How can we feel closer to nature?

Feeling closer to nature is easy. We can build a connection with nature wherever we are using our senses. Try listening closely to birdsong, smelling flowers and feeling sand between our fingers. Paint a picture and take photos of the natural places that we like best. They may help us feel closer to the natural world. It's important to try and connect with nature, notice its beauty and how it makes us feel.

Connecting with Nature


★ Take youroff your worries

★ Make you feel relaxed

Definitions (定义)

★ The worldus that is not created by people

★ Athat controls things like weather

★ Bring peace, joy and wonder to our lives

★ Take us outdoors, get us active and let usmore about the environment

★ Feel free and hopeful when breathing in fresh air,to the wind in the trees or standing at a mountain


to get closer to nature

★ Use ourto build a connection

★ Listen closely to birdsong, smell flowers andsand between our fingers

★ Paint a picture and take photos of ournatural places
