组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Exams are part of education. Exams can cause stress for many students. In order to avoid too much stress, it's important to face them with a clear mind and an understanding of how to deal with stressful1.

Be sure to ask your teachers what materials you will be responsible2. If you have a clear sense of what you will be tested on, the future test will probably be something you can manage. Remember: your teacher won't be3if" he or she has given you information about the exam. So don't ask twice.

Take notes in class. Don't just 4your memory or your course book. Take your class time5by writing down what your teacher has said. If you are feeling exam stress, you can review your notes which help you remember things that happened in class.

Manage your time wisely. Do not just work6harder for an exam the last minute. This will lead to exam stress. Break up your study time into short7 a few days or weeks before.8 step by step, and you will find it's more useful.

Know where you study best. Think about a place where you can put your heart into studying. It 9 in a classroom, in a library or in your bedroom. Pay no attention to background noise. Be sure to study in a quiet and peaceful place in 10you can learn better.
