组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Activities from Our Indoor Library!

English Conversation Group

Come to our group at the every Thursday afternoon. Come along to make new friends and improve your English. Learners of all levels are welcome.

Age: All adults

Bookings: Not required

Time & date: Thursday, Aug. 1st

From 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Young Creative Club

Do you love to write or express yourself through art? Come and join our creative club, share your ideas and make friends with others who are like you.

Age: 11--15

Bookings: Required

Phone Number: 073 -407-0069 to book your place.

Time & date: Thursday, Aug. 1st

From 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Learn to Code(编程)

Learn how to create a game or design(设计) a website using free online resources(资源) that teach you how to code. It allows you to do experiments (实验) and play. It is designed for adults with basic computer and Internet skills.

Age: Young adults

Bookings: Not required

Time & date: Wednesday, Aug. 28th

From 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

Gumtree Basic

Come and learn about buying and selling products online through Cumtree Basic. Computer and Internet skills are required.

Age: All adults

Bookings: Required

Phone Number: 073 -407 -8745 to book your place.

Time & date: Tuesday, Aug. 13th

From 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
