组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Everyone needs help sometimes. People depend on one another. That's why communities have special people ready to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it.

For example, what would we do without a community fire station? If a home catches on fire, as the Jackson place did last week, it might be burned down and people get hurt…or worse. We're so lucky to have firemen to come to save people and put out the fire, safely. If the fire station hadn't come so fast, the Jacksons might have lost everything.

 And what about our local police who protect our families, our homes and valuable things? The police have helped so many families this past year, especially saving people and pets and protecting our houses and other things after the heavy rains.

Think about all the other service workers we have in this community, We have people who collect waste and rubbish and keep our communitysanitary, We have road workers who put up and repair traffic signs and fix holes in the streets to protect not just us, but our cars! And where would this community be without the teachers in our school and the doctors, and nurses in our community hospitals?

Think again about what we eat every day; think again about what we wear every day. We cannot produce them, but we use them all the time. We get a lot from all these tireless workers who keep our community running. We need these people in the community. We depend on each other. Let's support each other and help each other. Only in this way can we make our community a better place.
