组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Once upon a time, a pencil and an eraser were having a conversation about their jobs. Both of them were1each other for their hard work. Both of them knew that they were2without each other.

Soon, the pencil started to draw a straight line and the eraser was looking at it.3, the pencil lost its balance and the line was ruined. Then the pencil got very 4. It knew the eraser would have to suffer because of its mistake, so it said5to the eraser. The eraser felt6and asked, "For what,my dear friend?"

"I'm sorry that you get hurt because of me. Whenever I make a7, you're always there to erase it. But you lose a part of yourself and get8each time." cried the pencil.

On hearing this, the eraser said, "That is true but I really don't9. You see, I was made to help you, so stop10, please! I am happy with my11, even though I know I will be gone one day. I will not be happy12I see your sadness. "

Our13are just like the eraser, and we're like the pencil. They're always there for us,14our mistakes. Sometimes they get hurt when they raise us and with time they become older. But they're always happy with what they do and will always prevent15from being worried or sad.
