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Being a farmer is to have a lot of work. You spend all day outdoors. Luckily, smart technology is making its way down to the farm. Drones (无人机),apps, driverless tractors(拖拉机)Let's take a look.


With the help of them, farmers closely watch their crops, find pests(害虫) and make sure that water is being used efficiently. Drones can also help humans do lots of physical work. They can spread seeds ,fertilizer(化肥) and pesticides(农药) faster than humans.

Driverless tractors

The driverless car is an exciting new technology, There are now driverless tractors that can work in fields around the clock. Pulling in a grain cart ,the tractor can automatically (自动地) receive grain from a combine,and then send the cart to be unloaded(卸货).

The irrigation app

One of the most important jobs of a farmer is to make sure that plants get water. A new smartphone app called Smart Irrigation can help.

It connects with the weather station to learn about local rainfall.

A. And then it knows how much more water the plants need each day.

B. The app use GPS technology to tell farmers when to water their crops.

C. How are these technologies changing one of the world's oldest job?

D. But it should be careful to use the technology.

E. The excellent technology can help farmers plant and harvest!

F. Drones are like eyes in the sky.
