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Lord Ye's Love of Dragons

Long ago, there was a person. People c him Lord Ye(叶公). It was said that Lord Ye liked dragons very much. E in his room was about dragons. The walls of his house had dragon p. The doors and windows were carved(雕刻)with them.

'I love dragons best,' Lord Ye always said to o people. When the real dragon in heaven(天堂)heard this, he f very happy. 'Lord Ye loves dragons so much. I should v him and thank him,' said the real dragon. So he f to Lord Ye's house. He put his head into Lord Ye's window and shouted, 'Lord Ye, are you in?'

You might think Lord Ye was very h to see a real dragon. But, in fact, when he saw the real dragon, he was very frightened and ran a as fast as he could.

From then on, people knew that Lord Ye o loved pictures of dragons, but not real dragons.
