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As a student at a medical school, Sam thinks poetry is a big part of his life, thanks to his new teacher, Rafael Campo, who believes poetry can benefit every doctor's education and work. Rafael is a physician, professor and a highly respected poet.

"Poetry is in every encounter with my patients. If we do anything when we're with our patients, we're really immersed in their stories, really hearing their voices. And, certainly, that's what a poem does, "he said.

Rafael worries that something important has been lost in medicine and medical education today: humanity, which he finds in poetry. To end that, he leads a weekly reading and writing workshop for medical students and residents. He thinks medical training focuses too much on distancing the doctor from his or her patients, and poems can help close that gap.

Third-year resident Andrea Schwartz was one of the workshop regulars. She said, "I think there's no other profession other than medicine that produces as many writers as it does. And I think that is because there's just so much pow-er in doctors and patients interacting when patients are at their saddest moments. " Not everyone believes that's what doctors should do, though.

Rafael said, "I was afraid of how people might judge me, actually. In the medical profession, as many people know, we must always put the emergency first. But, you know, that kind of treatment, if it's happening in the hospital, very regrettably, sadly, results in a bad outcome. The family is sitting by the bedside. The patient hasn't survived the cancer. Don't we still have a role as healers there?"

In a poem titled "Health", Rafael writes of the wish to live forever in a world made painless by our incurable joy. He says he will continue teaching students, helping patients and writing poems, his own brand of medicine.
